9 Best AI Tools for Education

By Mahima January 18, 2023

AI Tools

Most of the conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) tools often focuses on business, but there is great potential for AI to drastically improve our educational systems. 


The GradeScope AI tool enables students to assess each other while providing feedback, which are often time-consuming tasks without AI technology. 


They aim to accomplish this by simplifying and streamlining the myriad of tasks teachers face, including creating engaging lessons, designing newsletters, crafting professional emails, and more.

Nuance's Dragon Speech Recognition

Based in Burlington, Massachusetts, Nuance provides speech recognition software that can be used by both students and faculty.


Cognii is another Boston-based company that develops AI-based products for K-12 and higher education institutions. It has also been deployed in corporate training environments.

Century Tech

London-based company Century Tech offers an AI platform that uses cognitive neuroscience and data analytics to create personalized learning plans for students. 

Carnegie Learning Platforms

Carnegie Learning, an innovative education technology and curriculum solutions provider, relies on AI and machine learning in its learning platforms for high school and college level students. 

Ivy chatbot

Ivy Chatbot is a set of AI tools that were specifically designed for universities and colleges. 


Another one of the top AI education tools available on the market is Nozi, an audio-visual vocabulary application that leverages current educational research. 


Plato serves as an instructor who provides prompts and suggestions to move students forward as they write, debate, and collaborate in exciting new ways.