
Decentralized AI: A New Approach to Artificial Intelligence

AI is evolving at an unprecedented rate in today’s age. Even if someone had prompted the idea of making the AI decentralised a couple of years ago, it would have been laughed at as an impossible task. However now, there are some projects promoted by organisations like Gensyn who are considering making it decentralised.

The main function of decentralised AI is to eliminate the central-based institution that messes with people’s privacy. It is quite similar to the concept of decentralised finance which it makes it fairer.

“My initial vision for what became SingularityNET occurred to me in ’95 or ’96, when the internet became a thing,” Ben Goertzel, at an AI conference hosted by Singularity. He also added “It seemed to me, the internet shouldn’t be centralised. The Internet is a decentralised network. So why would you want to have a centralised search service?”


There are certain benefits of this decentralised concept as it will enable the AI model to have a more secure and impartial system in the era of deep fakes.

Another notable benefit is that since it is decentralised, it will mitigate the chances of people’s data and privacy being jeopardised.

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With the rise of this decentralised concept, there will be an increase in AI agents in the future which means it can do a lot of things on our behalf like paying phone bills or booking flights, etc. 

However, this means that there will come a time when people are going to use AI to tell some secrets and preferences which if the system is centralised means the people at the centre have access to the search history. Thus, mankind’s AI is required more than ever.

Gensyn is trying to make a decentralised system for the customers. Ben Fielding, co-founder of Gensys said“We’re kind of running out of places to build enormous data centres,”.If Gensyn pulls this off, says Fielding, “You don’t just have one big data centre. Now you have every data centre on the planet.” 

“The power concentration (of AI) is getting worse, not better,” says Nathaniel Whittemore, aka NLW, host of the AI Daily Brief and founder of BeSuperAI, who’s hosting an AI Town Hall at Consensus. “And greater concentration leads to more of a feeling of a need for decentralised approaches.”

Although all of these may sound very intimidating, however, it will take a lot of time before they can have a proper impact on our daily life. Creating a decentralised concept for the AI platform is not easy that can happen overnight. It is both complex and challenging and also does require a lot of funding as well.

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